Book Lengths What Are You Aiming For?
Where are you going with all this writing? Well, you are mostly likely shooting for a minimum of 50,000 words. Why 50,000? It is the...
The 10 Revision Stages of a Novel
It takes a lot to write a novel. Even those who haven’t tried would say, “well, duh!” to this. But it’s not so much the mind space or the sh
But is this book really yours?
What is original thought in writing? And all those things you think….. those ideas you have….. Are you aware where they come from? Are...
Coaching A Dream To Reality
Feelings follow action. A story about the power of coaching. KAREN MARGINOT MAY 03, 2024 This is a guest post by KAREN MARGINOT OF SOBER...
7 questions writers most often ask me
1. How long will this book take?
2. Can I get on the New York Times Bestseller list?
3. Where do I start?
4. Why are publishers
The madness begins
Prologue to Love and Above What am I doing here? It’s an easy Sunday morning and I am sitting on a cold concrete floor with my legs...
Self publishing your book? Independent Publishers in South Africa
Should you pitch a traditional publisher or simply bite the bullet and self-publish (or indie publish)? This is an important question and...
How to get a barcode and ISBN for books in South Africa
There are two steps to this process. Step 1: Get an ISBN Step 2: Order a barcode The National Library of South Africa (NLSA) is the...
Book titles really do sell books
‘When you write non-fiction, you sit down at your desk with a pile of notebooks, newspaper clippings, and books and you research and put...
Writing is about keeping going
‘The pathos, and the gift of life, is that we cannot know which will be our defining heartbreak, or our most victorious joy.’ Alexandra...
The types of scenes all books need
‘I am 54 years old. Large important parts of my life receive virtually no attention in my memoir — a sentence for a traumatic love...
Should I traditionally publish or indie publish?
One of the biggest questions I hear from authors is this. Should I traditionally publish or indie publish? Since 2013 Jane Friedman has...