Key things authors can do to get a book promoted
So you have got a book out there into the world. Massive congratulations. But getting a book published is one step, getting it to...
Editing your book – Second Draft Rules
I just got back from the annual month-long writing residency in Greece, and I read a LOT of working manuscripts there. Many authors came...
Sending your book off to publishers and agents
Now that you have done all the hard work, it’s time to press play. If you want to get a publishing deal, this is where the rubber hits...
Beta Reader? Manuscript Appraisal? Editor? How to take the next steps
You have written your best possible version of your book, and now you may just need someone to make it better. The good news is that...
Rewriting (and rewriting and rewriting)
Rewriting (and rewriting and rewriting) is not only completely essential – it is the lifeblood of an author. In writing the first draft you
Let's Netflix your book
AUTHORS are having to adapt and adjust with reader demands. That means you have to get tighter on delivering a book that is ‘on point’...
Create your Author Brand - with brand expert Tessa Graham
As authors, we need to be savvier than ever about who reads our books. We have the ability to market our books directly to our readers....
Writing your story - how do you hook a reader from the start?
Where should your story start? Few stories start at the beginning. Most stories start in the middle. All stories - whether it’s a novel,...
How to sell that book (once its published)
‘I didn't know how much marketing would be involved in actually getting my book sold.’ ‘My publisher did some PR for the first few months...
Why Your Book Needs a Single Big Idea
You start structuring a book by being very clear on what you are writing about. Sounds simple? You (sort of) know what you want to say...
What are publishers looking for in 2023?
​ It has been a busy year in publishing – and its only July. The good news is that reading has not been hit by the two years of lock...
Write, Publish, Profit
Where are you going with all this writing? What is the end game? Do you simply love writing with no real outcome required? Is it profit?...