Be specific, and mindful when you start and when you finish. A focused strategy is better than just wafting into your block time writing. Make it matter!
Clock in with yourself, connect with your buddy if you have one, check in with the group or team up with another writer in your city.
Setting aside the hours is one thing; creating a SPECIFIC target for each block time session is far more compelling. This applies to every writing session and for bum time, it becomes even more critical.
Be bold. Pick a significant number and just go for it. As a guideline, aim for a MINIMUM of 2,000 words per sitting. Your specific target might be different:
Write 4,000 words.
Complete my scene list and write 1,500 words.
Write three scenes today.
Create a cover idea and write 1,000 words.
You will probably type faster than ever before as you near your day’s deadline. Don’t stress too much about fixing as you write. You can go back and do a basic spell/grammar check at the end of your sitting.
If you are going to a coffee shop – give your technology some forethought. Take adaptors, chargers, and extension cords - everything you need to stay connected.
Take a cushion, even if your destination has cushions. We often find coffee shop cushions are too thin sit on for hours at a stretch. Take something to keep warm. When you sit for an extended period of time, your body temperature CAN drop. We find one of the most important tech gadgets is a pair of good quality earphones – perhaps you don’t like the music, or a noisy neighbour starts distracting you.
Move often to get up and stretch your body and bones. Keep your breath deep and flowing, and your blood circulating. Sitting for too long can have the opposite effect on your writing and your energy might start slumping, as does your posture. Also think about what you are putting into your body and snack well - keep sugar to a minimum, protein high and lots of water for enhanced executive functioning. Happy body and brain = WORDS FLOW!
Do whatever you need to do to not get distracted. Put your phone on airplane mode (or at least silent) switch off your mail and take care of all other potential distractions. If you know it takes you 15 minutes to settle, build that into your bum time strategy
Above all - revel in the time you have created for this project!
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